Create-An-Image Relaxation Trauma Therapy



Behaviors were measured in eight research studies:

  • Four research studies used the Old Me New Me Relaxation Program from 1978 to 2004
  • Four research studies used the Create-An-Image Relaxation Trauma Therapy from 2005 to 2017. The Katrina Study was done in 2005, before the Resiliency Scales were created (in 2006) so there is no resiliency data for that study.

A battery of tests are given to each patient to diagnosis negative emotions that the patients wish to decrease. These negative emotions are released during a CAIR therapy session. This same battery of tests are given after therapy (post-test) in order to determine improvement.

The Resiliency Scales (Prince-Embury, 2006) measure positive aspects of resiliency. Patients select the specific positive emotions they wish to increase during the visualization portion of the CAIR therapy session. Therefore, the patient is releasing negative emotions and subsequently visualizing the reception of the positive emotions. The Resiliency Scales are also administered as a pre- and post-test.

*Child Abuse Potential Inventory (Milner, 1986) is a 160 item test designed to be used with adults. Items were selected that were felt to be appropriate with children and teens. There was a significant decrease in this score in three out of three studies after CAIR therapy.

** Sensitivy was significantly decreased in 3 out of 3 studies

*** Anxiety was significantly decreased in 7 out of 7 studies

Tolerance – one can calmly disagree, forgive people, can depend on being treated fairly.

Support – one has support from people who care about then.

Self-Efficacy – a person believes they can do things well, make good decisions, and solve problems.

Trust – how much you trust people, let others know who you really are, and feel accepted.

Optimism – belief that life is fair, one can make good things happen, one can control life, and things will be alright.

Comfort – one likes people, makes friends easily, and feels calm with people.